We won't be beaten on price. If you find a better price for the same products please give us a call or email cubbiesandsheds@gmail.com
The EasyShed boxed garden shed range was developed through extensive market research and in response to strong customer demand. EasyShed combines the most popular aspects of garden shed design with convenience and ease of assembly. They are available in various sizes each in Flat, Skillion, Gable Roof styles, a number of colour choices, and with a range of optional extras to add value and versatility.
Call us on (03)59771400 to get the best price available when you have found the shed to suit your needs.
You can also visit https://www.easyshed.com.au and order directly and opt to pick up from our store. This will save you $$$ on delivery charges from Wodonga.
Please be aware that the EasySheds are Do-It-Yourself kit sheds which require assembly and are delivered in boxed cartons.
We can also provide an installation service and various floor options.
Flat Roof Shed 1.50m (width) x 0.75m(depth) x 1.82m(height) Zincalume
EasySHED® F..
Gable Roof Shed 1.50m(width) x 1.50m(depth) x 1.97m (height) Zincalume
The most po..
Skillion Roof Shed 1.5m (width) X 1.5m (depth) X 1.98m (back wall height)
Skillion Roof Shed 2.25m (width) X 1.5m (depth) X 2.1m/1.8m (front/back wall height)
Flat Roof Shed 1.5m (width) X 0.78m (depth) X 1.82m (height)
Gable Roof Shed 1.50m (width) x 1.50m(depth) x 1.97m(height) Colorbond
EasySHED® ..
Skillion Roof Shed 1.5m (width) X 1.5m (depth) X 2.10m/1.8m (front/back wall height)
Skillion Roof Shed 2.25m (width) X 1.5m (depth) X 1.98m (back wall height)
Flat Roof Shed 2.25m (width) x 0.75m(depth) x 1.82m(height) Zincalume
EasySHED® F..
Gable Roof Shed 2.25m(width) x 1.50m(depth) x 1.97m (height) Zincalume
The most po..
Flat Roof Shed 2.25m (width) X 0.78m (depth) X 1.82m (height)
Gable Roof Shed 2.25m (width) x 1.50m(depth) x 1.97m(height) Colorbond
EasySHED® ..
Gable Roof Shed 3.0m(width) x 1.50m(depth) x 1.97m (height) Zincalume
The most pop..
Flat Roof Shed 3.0m(width) x 0.75m (depth) x 1.82m (height)
EasySHED® Flat Roof Garden Shed ..
Skillion Roof Shed 3m (width) X 1.5m (depth) X 1.98m (back wall height)
EasySHED ..
Gable Roof Shed 3.0m (width) x 1.50m(depth) x 1.97m(height) Colorbond
EasySHED® F..
Flat Roof Shed 3.0m (width) X 0.78m (depth) X 1.82m (height)
Gable Roof Shed 2.25m (width)x 2.25m(depth) x 2.05m(height) Zincalume
The most popular style ..
Skillion Roof Shed 3m (width) X 1.5m (depth) X 2.10m/1.8m (front/back wall height)
Flat Roof Shed 3.75m(width) x 0.75m (depth) x 1.82m (height)
EasySHED® Flat Roof Garden Shed..
Gable Roof Shed 2.25m (width)x 2.25m(depth) x 2.05m(height) Colorbond
Skillion Roof Shed 3.75m (width) X 1.5m (depth) X 1.98m (back wall height)
Flat Roof Shed 3.75m (width) X 0.78m (depth) X 1.82m (height)
Gable Roof Shed 3.0m (width)x 2.25m(depth) x 2.05m(height) Zincalume
The most popular style i..
Skillion Roof Shed 3.75m (width) X 1.5m (depth) X 2.1m/1.8 (front/back wall height)
Flat Roof Shed 1.5m (width) X 1.5m (depth) X 1.82m (height)
Gable Roof Shed 3.0m (width)x 2.25m(depth) x 2.05m(height) Colorbond
Flat Roof Shed 1.5m(width) x 1.5m (depth) x 1.82m (height)
EasySHED® Flat Roof Garden Shed m..
Skillion Roof Shed 1.50m (width) x 1.90m(depth) x 1.98m(height) Zinc-Aluminium
Flat Roof Shed 2.25m(width) x 1.5m (depth) x 1.82m (height)
EasySHED® Flat Roof Garden Shed ..
Skillion Roof Shed 1.5m (width) X 1.9m (depth) X 2.1m/1.8m (front/back wall height)
Gable Roof Shed 3.75m (width)x 2.25m(depth) x 2.05m(height) Zincalume
The most popular style ..
Flat Roof Shed 2.25m (width) X 1.5m (depth) X 1.82m (height)
Skillion Roof Shed 2.25m (width) x 1.90m(depth) x 1.98m(height) Zinc
The Ski..
Gable Roof Shed 3.75m (width)x 2.25m(depth) x 2.05m(height) Colorbond
Flat Roof Shed 3.0m(width) x 1.5m (depth) x 1.82m (height)
EasySHED® Flat Roof Garden Shed m..
Skillion Roof Shed 2.25m (width) X 1.9m (depth) X 2.10m/1.8m (front/back wall height)..
Gable Roof Shed 3.0m (width)x 3.0m(depth) x 2.10m(height) Zincalume
The most popular style in..
Flat Roof Shed 3.0m (width) X 1.5m (depth) X 1.82m (height)
Skillion Roof Shed 3.0m (width) x 1.90m(depth) x 1.98m(height) Zinc
The Skil..
Gable Roof Shed 3.0m (width)x 3.0m(depth) x 2.10m(height) Colorbond
Skillion Roof Shed 3.0m (width) X 1.9m (depth) X 2.1m/1.8m (front/back wall height)
Gable Roof Shed 3.75m (width)x 3.0m(depth) x 2.10m(height) Zincalume
The most popular style i..
Flat Roof Shed 3.75m(width) x 1.5m (depth) x 1.82m (height)
EasySHED® Flat Roof Garden Shed ..
Skillion Roof Shed 3.75m (width) x 1.90m(depth) x 1.98m(height) Zinc
The Ski..
Gable Roof Shed 3.75m (width)x 3.0m(depth) x 2.10m(height) Colorbond
Flat Roof Shed 3.75m (width) X 1.5m (depth) X 1.82m (height)
Skillion Roof Shed 3.75m (width) X 1.9m (depth) X 2.1m/1.8m (front/back wall height)
Gable Roof Shed 3.75m (width)x 3.75m(depth) x 2.18m(height) Zincalume
The most popular style ..
Gable Roof Shed 3.75m (width)x 3.75m(depth) x 2.18m(height) Colorbond